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Current and Past Chiefs

 2025Mike Gough
 2023 through 2024John Annaloro
2021 through 2022Pete Albanese
2019 through 2020Tony Czapka
2017 through 2018Ronald Peragallo
2013 through 2016David Citer
2012James Petrecca
2010 through 2011Michael Frerichs
2007 through 2009James Petrecca
2004 through 2006Francis Oldewurtel
2003Barend Kiefte
2001through 2002Arthur Thompson
1999 through 2000Michael Rossi
1997 through 1999Barend Kiefte
1994 through 1996Michael Dougherty
1991 through 1993Daniel Hall
1989 through 1990Dennis Ferray
1987 through 1988Randy Kroegman
1985 through 1986John Hadden
1983 through 1984John Korchinsky
1980 through 1982Edward Trommelen
1977 through 1979William Klein
1974 through 1976Edward Trommelen
1972 through 1973Fredderick Kroegman
1969 through 1971Edward Trommelen
1967 through 1968Joseph Laird
1965 through 1966Clarence Kautz
1964William Gross
1963Joseph Laird
1962Clarence Kautz
1961Harold Kautz
1959 through 1960Joseph Laird
1956 through 1958William Lewis
1955John Vreeland
1954James Smith
1953John Vreeland
1941 through 1952James Smith
1940Roy Cook
1932 through 1939William Steele
1929 through 1931Roy Anderson
1928James Armstrong
1927Herman Kuehm
1926Azariah Martin
1923 through 1925Robert Culligan